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Webinar - September 23, 2021
Future of the Office: ‘People to Work’ or ‘Work to People’?
Offices have seen a drastic change after the coronavirus. Since early 2020, companies adjusted their offices so that employees would feel safer; capacities has been reduced; in some companies employees worked in shifts and in others they have opted a full time of working remotely.
However, now, since 41.8% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID vaccine, how will the office look like? Will people go to work? Or will work go to them?
Find out more in the webinar hosted by the PRAXI Valuations' Partner Dudley Holme-Turner (Carter Jonas LLP) and David George, Managing Director at iPWC Ltd. (UK) & CEO of CRUX Workplace (US).

Virtual event - April 27, 2021
RE_think Hotel Design - Big changes in a short time span
How is hotel design shifting to adapt to a post-pandemic world? The recording of the speech by Marina Baracs, Director Europe of LTW Designworks Pte Ltd, on the occasion of the PRAXI Valuations Global Independent Advisers virtual Summit, which took place on Tuesday 27 April 2021.

Yellow and Green Belt Project in Chiesi Group: building a common language through Lean and Six Sigma methodologies
The project led by PRAXI to spread the Lean Culture within Chiesi Group is about to start. The project involves the Italian, French and Brazilian plants, with the aim of building a common language and spreading continuous improvement through the Lean and Six Sigma methodologies.

December 24, 2020
The National Museum of Cinema: among the cornerstones of the new strategic lines also the organization with the support of PRAXI
One of the flagship of the Italian cultural heritage, the Museum intends starting a radical process of change and innovation for 2021. Among the backbones the new organization, redesigned with PRAXI.

LIVE Webcast, December 10, 2020
Real Estate in Europe: Will Bricks Crumble or Stand the Test of All Time?
How will Real Estate as an asset class respond to the factors in play today? Will it continue to be lowly correlated to other asset classes or become more cyclical? Watch the recording of the webcast organized by CAIA Chapter London & 100 Women In Finance Milan and sponsored by PRAXI.