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Learn more about Praxi4People 2.0, from the comfort of your own office
Praxi4People is a modular software developed by PRAXI to support HRD processes. It has been implemented over 40 times and applied for 6 years in companies of various sizes and in different sectors. The experience accrued and the suggestions received from our clients have allowed us to move on to Praxi4People 2.0: more user-friendly than ever, with new functions and able to run on multiple devices.
Praxi4People 2.0 is the fruit of the experience we have gained through dozens of implementations in companies of all sizes in numerous sectors.
EFFICIENCY - no manual uploading: personal data are simply taken from the wages system or other sources, and added to using the processes managed by praxi4people, which then restores the data required for other external processes.
CONTROL - The Personnel Department and Managers can keep control of all the data they need to make decisions (remuneration analysis, merit-based aspects, training needs, in-company mobility, changes to organisation, succession plans).
DEVELOPMENT - The system assists personal development, consistent with the company’s development strategies (skills mapping, performance assessment, development plans, training programmes, to mention but a few).
The application is modular and handles recruitment, employee records, skills systems, performance assessment, MBO, assessment of potential, needs analysis and training.
A sophisticated reporting system allows for data to be processed and exported to spreadsheets.

New cycle of COFFEE BRAIN training meetings
Four short meetings, on Saturday morning, to share and discuss about the key competencies involved in managing processes and relations within the organisations.
April 18, 2015
Meeting Management
managing effective meetings
Trainer: Elena Caffarena, Partner and National Coordinator PRAXI Training and Development
May 23, 2015
Problem Solving with Lego®
complex situations require best solutions
Trainer: Fulvio Steiner, Senior Trainer PRAXI Training and Development
June 13, 2015
Time Management
a new approach to time management
Trainer: Serena Candeo, Senior Trainer PRAXI Training and Development
June 27, 2015
active training on motivation
Trainer: Davide Mate, Senior Trainer PRAXI Training and Development

PRAXI in charge to seek the new Director of GAM and Castello di Rivoli
Fondazione Torino Musei and Castello di Rivoli have charged PRAXI to seek the new Director of GAM - Civic Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art of Turin and Castello di Rivoli - Museum of Contemporary Art.
The new management model approved by the City of Turin and the Regione Piemonte aims at creating one of the main International sites for modern and contemporary art.

Praxi Real Estate supports the IPMS (International Property Measurement Standards)
PRAXI officially supports the spread of the IPMS, the international property measurement standards that are being identified worldwide, involving more than 50 Associations and Organizations of the Real Estate sector (for more info www.ipmsc.org).
PRAXI supports the 2014 edition of the Mobile Enterprise Observatory
The Mobile Enterprise Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano presents the results of its survey, comparing different C-Levels' opinions on the impacts and the opportunities offered by Mobility on the main business processes: Marketing & Sales, Supply Chain & Logistics, Operations, HR and IT.
The explosive power of innovation achieved through the models of Mobile Enterprise puts its solid roots in the trio represented by Mobile Device, Mobile Business App and Enterprise App Store. This mix made of terminals, applications and governance for the entire ecosystem simplifies and renews the processes of sales, maintenance, HR management, supply chain, etc.
Among the supporters of 2014 edition of the Observatory Mobile Enterprise are PRAXI, 4words, Accenture, Aeonvis, BlackBerry, Compuware, Gulliver, Nazca, Seltris, Vodafone; Canon, DS Group, GLS Mobile, TESISQUARE® and Wear.