PRAXI Intellectual Property S.p.A. è una società specializzata nel campo della Proprietà Industriale ed Intellettuale, con Sedi a Torino, Civitanova Marche, Genova, Milano, Padova, Roma, Savona, Trento, Venezia Mestre e Verona.
Nell’ambito dei brevetti, dei marchi, dei modelli di design e dei diritti d’autore, le attività comprendono lo studio, il deposito, la prosecuzione, concessione e gestione delle pratiche, gli interventi orientati a prevenire la contraffazione e le valutazioni economico-patrimoniali dei beni immateriali.

PRAXI Alliance is a worldwide network of independent Executive Search and Selection firms leaders in their respective local markets.
Our global alliance provides specialized Executive Search and HR Consulting services across a broad spectrum of industries, based on the solid and successful practices of each of our local Member firms and the finest operational standards.

PRAXI Valuations provides independent valuation and advisory services to clients in the Real Estate, Loan Valuations and Due Diligence fields.
Our clients include industrial, banking, insurance and real estate companies, as well as auditing firms, public entities and authorities.
PRAXI Valuations is present in 11 countries and 45 offices.

Consalia Ltd is a joint venture governed by English law and based in London, offering consulting and training in the area of Sales and Marketing worldwide, with its own subsidiary in Singapore (Consalia Asia Pacific Pte Ltd) and a global network of highly specialised partners.